Individual Psychotherapy

Your individualized treatment emerges from your relationship with a caring, supportive, and empathic therapist. They will do their best to hear, see, and respond to you, draw you out to fully engage and express your hurt, pain, anger, and rage.

​Together with your therapist, you will explore self-defeating internalized messages and patterns of behavior. Such patterns may even emerge in the therapy relationship, where they can be explored and understood, freeing you up to engage more flexibly with others. Should your therapist fail you in some critical way, which will almost inevitably happen, or when your therapist seems to be the source of some troubling communication, this can be explored openly, with compassion and understanding, increasing your capacity to engage with complex emotional issues with those who are important to you.

​Together, you and your therapist will welcome back into the room — into the therapy relationship — aspects of yourself that you have been forced to abandon or hide but which may contain your passions, vitality, healthy aggression, sexuality, and creative capacity to engage, grow, adapt, experience and live your life more fully.

​Together, you and your therapist will encourage the emergence of that person you most long to be who can seek greater fulfillment, joy, and passion and is more equipped to bear the inevitable pain and sorrows of your unique and authentic path.

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